Kamis, 05 Mei 2011
The next day the student meets up with Hans, who wants to make sure none of them are Christian, since the trolls can detect them by their smell. They assure him that they are not, and they return to the same forest as the night before. Hans points to a small brook and tells them to take off their clothes, wash themselves and slather themselves with troll 'scent' made from "everything you can squeeze out of a troll". After this they follow him deeper into the forest, where they are told to wait for further instructions. As they wait, they begin to think that Hans is playing a trick on them. Suddenly they see a bright flash, hear another roar and feel the ground shake. Out of the woods comes a giant troll with three heads. They flee back into the woods, where they hide as the troll smells after Christian blood. They return to Hans's car, where they see the troll turn to stone. They decide to follow Hans and document his work as he sets out to kill all the trolls that have broken out of their territories, and to find out why they have started to break out now and not earlier.
Dated Released : 29 October 2010
Quality : BRRip 720p BR
Info : imdb.com/title/tt1740707/
Country : Norway
Starring : Otto Jespersen, Hans Morten Hansen, Tomas A
Genre : Action | Adventure | Drama
Download Files: part1 - part2 - part3 - part4 [650MB-mkv]|eu
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